Gaib Sagar Lake Dungarpur Rajasthan

Gaib Sagar Lake is located in the district of Dungarpur in Rajasthan. Which are famous for the beautiful natural environment and various species of birds.

Therefore, people are interested in seeing a large number of birds come here to visit. There is a famous temple of ‘Srinathji’ near the Gaib Sagar Lake.

In addition to the main temple in this temple complex, there are many small temples. One of these temples is of ‘Vijayaraja Rajeshwar’, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Amidst the lush green surroundings surrounded by hills and tourist spots in the mountain town of Dungarpur, the Gaib Sagar Lake, which relaxes everyone in the cool winds, has been a symbol of the beauty of Dungarpur. Where the lotus blooms and the exotic and exotic water birds of the water sports attract everyone.

According to the legend related to the construction of the Gap Sagar lake Dungarpur: – There were twenty-four farms in place of Gap Sagar. To keep this memory everlasting, twenty-four chhatris were made on the sail, which is called ‘twenty-four chhatris’.

Once the evergrowing crops caught the attention of Shyamal Das Dawda’s sons, the moneylender from Dungarpur and they insisted on getting the wheat ummies, but due to dusk, the watchman refused.

The weeping children came home and told the father about it. Seth felt very bad on hearing this. He decided to wipe out the existence of these farms and started the work of buying them and building a pond.


When the people of the royal court came to know about this, he explained the whole situation to the then Maharawal and requested him to stop this work saying that Seth’s fame would be increased if this happens.

Then the effort started to shut down and with cleverness, it was explained to Seth that the fish would be hunted by the people after the pond was built and it would bear all its sin. This proved to Seth and he left the pond work in the middle.

In lieu of this, Seth was given full expenses and land in Manak Chowk where he started the work of building the temple of Adinath Bhagwan in Samvat 1526 which was completed in Samvat 1529.

Later Gapa Rawal himself completed this pond which is today known as Gap Sagar.

Area of Gaib Sagar Lake Dungarpur Rajasthan: –

In terms of area, the Gap Sagar with four ghats around it is 279 bighas 2 Biswa (44.5 hectares), whose main pier is only 700 feet in length and 100 feet in height.

Based on the archaic methods of the architecture of the reservoirs, there is a 570 feet long Dhobi Ghat from the Tehsil crossroads to the Rambola Math in the northern part of the Gap Sagar, which has been dilapidated.

Beneath the Badal Mahal is the Zanana Ghat where the Sannaris found themselves amidst the unfathomable watershed, while the Vaneshwar Mahadev Temple had a small ghat in front of the temple which used to be used for bathing meditation by monks and saints and monks.

The main ghat Dungarpur municipality, in 1993-94, filled the filler to 450 feet, narrowing its traditional form. From time to time, the work of repairing the gap has been done.

It was extensively repaired during the 27th Maharaval Shiv Singh of Dungarpur, AD 1730-1785 (no. 1786-1842) and built chhatris on its main pallet, called Shivshahi Chhatris, to make the pond a tourist destination.

The last repair work of Gaib Sagar lake was done by the then Municipal President Dungarpur Mr. Kurichand Jain in 1952.

The Vijay Rajarajeshwar temple was started by Maharawal Vijay Singh, but it was established by Maharaval Laxman Singh in 1923 AD.

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